InternWest African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL)Mar 2019Jul 2019(5 months) OuagadougouInternship, Master thesis research: TITLE OF THESIS: AN ASSESSMENT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACT ON WATER RELATED ECOSYSTEM SERVICES (WRES) INCLUDING HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL IN THE DANO CATCHMENT (VOLTA BASIN)
civil engineerADOS NGO (DROME ARDECHE Ourossogui)Feb 2017Jun 2017(5 months) Senegal
Assistant to the project manager, InternGEOSCIENCES ENGINEERINGNov 2014Jan 2015(3 months) senegal• Monitoring and control of the realization and test rods pumping (depth 230m) of drinking water for drinking water supply. • Draft report of completion of water drilling So I acquired in the field of groundwater mobilization, catchment work and pumping tests valuable knowledge for my future job as hydraulic engineer. Indeed, I was able to attend the works until the completion of the sinking and the technical equipment of water drilling, including the installation of technical equipment.
Assistant Project Manager, InternTPF-SETICO CONSULTING ENGINEERAug 2014Nov 2014(4 months) SENEGAL• Monitoring and control of the realization of two water towers each 2200 m3. • Planned work to be done • Make weekly meetings with the company I became familiar with the construction work, that of a water tower in particular. I have acquired in the fields of civil and hydraulic engineering valuable knowledge for my future profession of hydraulic engineer.