
Blessing Chiniko
Intern at Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlment
Pan African University, Institute of water and energy sciences including climate change, Algeria
    • Blessing Barnet Chiniko a speialist in Water and Sanitation. With a track record in project management and entreprenuerial engagement, in areas of toilet constructiontechnologies, hgyiene interventions including handwashing with soap and menstrual hygiene, promotion of wash activites in schools and actively engeaged with civil society and ngo in implementing wash activites. Have vast exposure in knowledge management with first hand experience in conducting WASH surveys, monitoring and evaluation of projects, data management and analysis and result based management. Blessing is a holder of a first class degree in local governance studies from Midlands State University, Zimbabwe and a holder of various International certificates in water and sanitation, with awards such as the best young entreprenuership for the green talents in Zimbabwe.

    • Pan African University, Institute of water and energy sciences including climate change, Algeria
      Water Policy
      Degree Master Degree
      Activities & Societies Pan African Entrepreneurial club - Southern Africa representative
      Specialist integrated water resources management, water and sanitation, water economics and pricing, water quality monitoring