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A Water Perspective - Indicators, Interlinkages, Implementation
8/17/15 9:00 AM - 8/18/15 5:00 PM
Maritim Hotel Bonn, Godesberger Allee, Bonn, Germa...
by David Paulus 1 guest 0.0
Host by David Paulus
Maritim Hotel
The water SDG framework poses a number of conceptual as well as implementation challenges that requires enhancing the close collaboration between the policy and scientific communities and other stakeholders, including industry. It is important to engage in a partnership between science, policy, industry, agriculture and civil society at large to implement and monitor the achievement of SDGs. The conference intends to play a key role in helping the science community to interact with the international policy consultation process to inform, and catalyse action by key actors—including policymakers, non‐governmental organizations, the private sector, educators, and researchers as agents of change.
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